Friday, January 2, 2009

Kopp to Call for Elimination of Tax on Workers Compensation Premiums

The senate's minority caucus chair says he has found a way to give the state's businesses $300 million in tax relief by repealing an "obsolete" assessment against workers compensation insurance premiums.

Sen. Mike Kopp, R-Littleton, said he thinks remaining beneficiaries after that fund is depleted could be covered from the state's general fund and that, in any event, the fund presents too much of a temptation for legislators interested in avoiding budget cuts in the general fund.

"Shutting it down not only would remove another burden from the businesses that create our jobs, but it also would keep the state's budget process a little more honest," Kopp said.

The programs that have funded by the tax on workers compensation premiums no longer accept new beneficiaries, according to Kopp.

There is about $250 million in the state fund created by the assessment, Kopp said.