Monday, August 11, 2008

Denver Post Files Lawsuit Aimed at Obtaining Guv's Personal Cell Call Records

The Denver Post has filed a lawsuit aimed at forcing Gov. Bill Ritter to turn over his personal cell phone bills.

Ritter, who has turned over records of calls made on his state-issued Blackberry cell phone, has declined to make public records of calls made on the cell phone that he pays for with his own money.

According to a report posted on the Post's website today, the paper's complaint alleges that
"It is obvious that if any high-ranking government executive may 'privatize' his conduct of public business by establishing a private account or dealing with private providers of communications technologies, it would allow government officials to unilaterally create a vast and unacceptable 'loophole' in the [Open Records Act's] requirements."

The Post has not said why they wish to see the bills for Ritter's personal cell phone account.

The lawsuit was filed in Denver District Court.